Tag Archives: umbrella

What An Arrogant Man!


I am new at this and don’t know the ins and outs of the legalities of using a photo found online, so I decided to remove the photo of Mr. Obama and the servant carrying his umbrella.  Find the photo by using this link http://www.politico.com/blogs/click/0911/Obamas_umbrella_holder_falls_short.html

Isn’t this an inspiring photo of our president?  I saw this yesterday and had to sit on my thoughts to make sure I didn’t overreact.  My first thought was, “Wow this reminds me of the painting by Jack Vettriano, called the Singing Butler”.  It didn’t take but a second to realize that this photo was our intrepid president Barak Hussein Obama. My second thought was about the arrogance it takes to have a servant hold an umbrella for you, especially as a man.  I’ve never seen a photo of any president in my lifetime having his umbrella held by a servant, when his hands were empty.  I’ve seen president Bush holding his own, though.  I’ve seen Mrs. Ford holding one for her husband and there’s a photo of Ronald and Nancy Reagan walking with umbrellas being held for them, while carrying briefcases…these are somewhat questionable.  Maybe there is a photo out there.  Probably, but I can’t find it. It really doesn’t matter to me, because what I’m getting at is an attitude that this president seems to display over and over.

I expect our elected…get that?…ELECTED officials to be one of us.  Our nation is a republic, not a monarchy.  It turns my stomach for our officials, whatever their political party, to act as though they are royalty instead of servants of the people of this country.  You may think that this is just a little thing, but I don’t think so. This act is one of many, that gauge whether Obama’s lofty words, about making all people equal, match his actions.  We can see that they do not.  This is just one example.  We can see the extravagant lifestyle he and his family have lived in our White House.  The evidence is abundant showing that he wants to live a life far above the rest of the citizens of our country.

So what are we going to do?  Will we sit back and let this behavior continue for another term?  Or will we do all we can to get this man and his machine out of the White House?  Please think about this seriously.  If we all sit on our backsides and just complain, we are doing NOTHING!!!  You are smart enough to figure out ways to fight against this man’s re-election.  So I beg you, if you agree with this post, get out and fight for the America we love.

A Proud Daughter of Texas